FAQ and entry requirements
Entitled to enter the 2025 competition are newly built facilities as well as expansions, modernizations, rehabilitations or conversions of existing buildings and facilities.
The facilities must have been completed and gone into operation between 1 January 2020 and 31 December 2024.
Temporary venue infrastructure / architecture (e.g. demountable or relocatable infrastructure for major sport events) may also be entered in the competition.
Designers/architects or owners/operators of facilities are eligible to enter.
The IAKS is entitled to disqualify any submission which does not confirm to the mandatory requirements for the competition.
Due to the current situation in Ukraine, the IAKS kindly asks parties from Russia and Belarus to refrain from submitting a project.
Submitting parties will have to upload a project collage and to fill in a questionnaire with the following information (all documents required in English language):
1. Architectural, functional and technical aspects
Please describe the facility in terms of the following aspects and by pointing out any special features (the text should not exceed 500 words):
- How the project came about, choice of site, integration into the urban environment or into the landscape
- Design concept, programme, and functional characteristics
- Structural and technical characteristics, building services
Please give one reason why you think the architectural, functional, and technical aspects of your facility are prize-worthy.
2. Sustainability aspects and public value
Please describe the facility in terms of the following aspects and by pointing out any special features (the text should not exceed 500 words):
- Legacy concept (initial and long-term concept, programming)
- Ecological aspects (choice of site, construction materials, natural resources, energy efficiency, water efficiency, indoor environment quality)
- Economical aspects (temporary components, service capacity, operating costs, brand development)
- Social/community aspects (functionality, usability, acceptance by users and operators, corporate social responsibility)
- Support of health, well-being and active living (offerings to diverse user groups, corporate health management)
- Accessibility and universal design (facilities accessible and inclusive to the needs of the widest possible range of users)
Please give one reason why you think the sustainability aspects of your facility are prize-worthy.
3. Accessibility and universal design aspects
Please describe the accessibility and universal design features which have been realised for athletes, spectators, and other client groups (the text should not exceed 500 words):
- Accessible transport areas and parking spaces (description and number)
- Entrance areas (entrance of the facility, ticket counters, check-in, security gates)
- Circulation areas (footpaths, ramps, stairways, surfaces)
- Function and service areas (doorways, doors, elevators, service counters)
- Seating spaces for wheelchair users (description and percentage, sightlines)
- Accessible toilets (description and percentage)
- Signages (visible and readable by those in wheelchairs and those with a visual impairment, tactile surfaces, contrasts)
- Communication systems (hearing augmentation, acoustic visual emergency warnings)
Please give one reason why you think the accessibility and universal design aspects of your facility are prize-worthy.
Eligible to enter the 2025 competition is any kind of design work that focuses on the creation of spaces and areas to be used for sports and leisure activities in the broadest sense. The design strategy must encourage youth to practise sport. By bringing sports activities to young people, e.g. in their urban environments, the project should aim at creating a high sports legacy.
The Award aims at young architects and designers currently studying architecture, landscape architecture, interior design and general design, and at young professionals in their first two years of professional practice. All participants must be under the age of 30 years at the date of the submission deadline.
Submissions coming from young professionals must not be part of design projects from professional teams or design firms. Each participant must submit a copy of his / her student matriculation document or a copy of his / her diploma.
Each participant must also send a list of his / her submitted documents and a declaration that he / she is entering the competition, with details of his / her place of residence.
The IAKS is entitled to disqualify any submission which does not conform to the mandatory requirements for the competition.
Due to the current situation in Ukraine, the IAKS kindly asks parties from Russia and Belarus to refrain from submitting a project.
Submitting parties will have to upload a project collage and to fill in a questionnaire with the following information (all documents required in English language):
1. Design idea for the facility
Please describe the facility in terms of the following aspects and by pointing out any special features (the text should not exceed 500 words):
- How the project came about, choice of site, integration into the urban environment or into the landscape
- Design concept, functional and structural characteristics, building services
- Barrier-free accessibility and universal design features
- Parts of facility outdoors
- Parts of facility indoors
- Innovative features
2. Sustainability goals
Please describe the facility in terms of the following aspects and by pointing out any special features (the text should not exceed 500 words):
- Legacy design (initial and long-term concept, programming)
- Ecological aspects (choice of site, construction materials, natural resources, energy efficiency, water efficiency, indoor environment quality)
- Economical aspects (temporary components, service capacity, operating costs, brand development)
- Social/community aspects (functionality, usability, acceptance by users and operators, corporate social responsibility)
- Support of health, well-being and active living (offerings to diverse user groups, corporate health management)
- Adaption to the consequences of climate change
Main Competition:
Standard entry fee € 400.00
Early Bird € 250.00, available until 31/03/2025
Students and Young Professionals Competition:
FREE to enter
All documents and information required must be submitted by 30th April 2025, 24:00 h Berlin time.